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Saturday, January 6, 2024

Top BGMI Plays of 2023 (Official Events)

SPRAYGOD Dominates

SPRAYGOD Dominates

Harsh "SPRAYGOD" Malik pulled off a spectacular seven-kill clutch that resulted in Team XSpark winning the game.

Fierce Sweeps Midwave

Fierce Sweeps Midwave

Ritesh "Fierce" Nawandar's 1v4 team wipe on the second day of the grand finals was simply incredible.

AquaNox Bags a Clutch

AquaNox Bags a Clutch

Harsh "AquaNox" Rao took things into his own hands, raining havoc with a DBS as he danced around his position and won the matchup.

Apollo Shows His Skills

Apollo Shows His Skills

Nishant "Apollo" from Revenant Esports showed everyone how to outplay your opponents in close quarters.

SaiF Takes a 1v3 Clutch

SaiF Takes a 1v3 Clutch

SaiF was in a tough spot with one of his teammates dead and two others downed, as he faced multiple members of Blind Esports.

SPRAYGOD's Double Barreled Shotgun

SPRAYGOD's Double Barreled Shotgun

SPRAYGOD first showcased his skill with the Double Barreled Shotgun more popularly known as DBS, securing three kills in succession.

Fierce's Utility Usage

Fierce's Utility Usage

Fierce showed some serious levels during the 8th match which took place on Miramar with a series of accurate utility usage.

AquaNox's Rain of Havoc

AquaNox's Rain of Havoc

AquaNox decided to take things into his own hands, raining havoc with a DBS as he danced around his position and won the matchup.Read full story

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from AFK Gaming https://ift.tt/BsyhZaY

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