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Saturday, November 11, 2023

What is Damage Delta in Valorant?

Valorant has gained massive popularity since its release in 2020. It has come a long way from bland radianite crates to full-fledged maps with interesting lore. Conversations surrounding Valorant have also evolved over the years. Players are now more and more interested in the game as well as bettering themselves when it comes to inflicting damage on enemies and protecting themselves from as much damage as possible. 

And this is where players talk about what is called ‘Damage Delta’ or ‘Delta Damage’. It is essentially a unit against which players can quantify their performance beyond kills, deaths and assists (KDA).

If you are someone who feels like a deer in the headlights when other players in your lobby are talking about delta damage, then worry not. In this article, we’ll share every crucial piece of information about damage delta. It will not only help you be aware of some of the Valorant metrics but also gauge your own performance using a more critical yardstick. 

What is Valorant Damage Delta?

In simple words, damage delta is the difference between the damage that you are inflicting on your enemy and the damage that you take on from your enemy. This can be put into a formula as follows:

Damage Delta = Damage Given - Damage Received

Having a positive damage delta is obviously a good thing, since it denotes that you are inflicting more damage than you are taking on. But if your damage delta is negative, it means that you need to work a little more on your skills. If your damage delta continues to be negative, it can impact a large portion of your performance as well as your stats. 

Damage Delta on Valorant Tracker

Since damage delta revolves around bettering your performance by tracking your stats, many players use third party Valorant trackers. These trackers track your performance throughout a match and try to detect a pattern as well as suggest tips and tricks to make them better. Using a Valorant tracker can be quite effective to gauge your damage delta, since it is so much better than calculating it yourself at the end of every round. 

Damage delta is a pretty easy way to gauge the impact that you have on your team.

How to Improve Your Damage Delta Stats?

Ultimately, the goal of damage delta is to prepare you and your team for high-stakes, competitive rounds where you cannot take a chance. Hence, its necessary to up your game while you’re at it. Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you improve your game:

  1. Make sure your shots hit the enemies. Just flaunting your gun mid round won’t help. You actually need to use it in order to land kills without causing any damage. This means you need to be aware of critical body parts where the damage is greatest. The head is obviously the part that receives the most damage. And as you go lower and lower, the damage impact decreases. 

  2. Practice your aim from different distances. Standing too close or too far from the enemy is not always feasible. You need to be quite vigilant when it comes to shooting distance and adjust it based on the weapon you are wielding. 

  3. Strategize the use of your abilities effectively. Using weapons is not the only way to inflict damage. Whether you are a sentinel or a duelist, you can use your abilities to their maximum potential in order to plan out strategic ways to kill your enemies without using your weapons. This adds a flair of excitement to the game as well. 

  4. Lastly, don’t be discouraged by bad days. It's not always possible to be on your best form when it comes to gaming. It is important to realize that gaming is a recreational activity for most and taking it too seriously can lead to feelings of disappointment and self-doubt. Practising slowly and steadily can yield better results than wanting instant gratification for perfection. 

from AFK Gaming https://ift.tt/kYSoc0x

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