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Sunday, February 18, 2024

Ceb Opens Up About the Challenges of Captaining OG

With the new roster, OG has encountered a tumultuous start to the 2024 competitive season, as it has performed well in regional qualifiers but it has struggled in international events so far. In an interview posted on OG's YouTube account, captain Sébastien "Ceb" Debs discussed the challenges of captaining the team. According to Ceb, during his time playing for OG in the past, he had a counterpart in Johan "N0tail" Sundstein who shared leadership responsibilities, allowing them to jointly steer the team. With the responsibility of leading OG solely in his hands now, Ceb mentioned that it is comparatively harder, but he is motivated like never before to push the team forward.

Ceb acknowledges that leading OG has presented its own set of challenges

In a detailed interview about the team and the 2024 competitive season, Ceb expressed his pleasure to have the current set of players from all over the world, but it was also challenging for him as the only experienced member.

“I feel blessed and at the same time, I feel a bit pressured to make it work as the team’s captain because I kind of get the feeling that this is as good as it gets and this is as high of a potential as it gets so I want to make the most out of it.”

The current OG roster is fairly young, with the other four players averaging about 21, and Ceb himself at 31. Ceb stated that in previous team formations, particularly when OG was successful, he had N0tail's contributions, which is no longer the case.

“It is the first time I have to take on that role fully, for sure. I kind of had that role in OG - in the TI winning OG but it was obviously shared with Johan (N0tail) and I would rely on him heavily. Whenever I did not have the answer or whenever I felt not up to the task, then he would take over and vice versa so that was really easy. I think being alone on the job is hard, much harder obviously.”

Despite the burden of responsibility resting heavily on Ceb and the pressure it entails, he pointed out that players are able to contribute in some capacity in the current setup as well.

“Even though I am not completely alone in the sense that Ari is very vocal inside and outside of the game. I mean that in the most positive way. Yuragi also brings a lot. Everybody brings a lot. I can’t say Wisper brings a lot. I understood his nickname by the way (laughs). His nickname makes a lot of sense now.

Everybody just has that so we have a very well spoken team. So, in that sense, it is not very hard but yes, it’s true that at the end of the day, the responsibility does fall onto me. So, whether or not it’s happening, I do feel the pressure I guess and believe it or not, OG actually helped me.”

Although challenges are emerging, Ceb is motivated as ever to see OG succeed, and he would do anything to get there. The team is set to play next at DreamLeague Season 22 which begins on 25th Feb.

from AFK Gaming https://ift.tt/7XMRqcA

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