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Thursday, December 22, 2022

Myanmar-Based Yangon Galacticos Disqualified From DPC 2023 SEA Winter Tour CQ

Myanmar-based organization Yangon Galacticos has been disqualified from the Closed Qualifiers of the Dota Pro Circuit (DPC) 2023 Southeast Asia Winter Tour. This follows a recent case in Eastern Europe where ten players received permanent bans for account sharing and impersonation in the Open Qualifiers. These types of bans, including for offenses such as scripting and impersonation have been on the rise in the Dota Pro Circuit over the last few weeks and have cast the Tier 2 and Tier 3 scenes in a negative light.

These harm the integrity and the viewer experience of the competitive circuit and are against Valve’s policies which issue permanent bans against players engaging in such conduct.

KSH permanently banned, rest of Yangon Galacticos banned until further investigation

In a public statement on Twitter, SEA DPC organizers for the 2022/2023 season, Epulze announced that Yangon Galacticos have been disqualified from the closed qualifiers of the DPC 2023 SEA Winter Tour.

In addition to the disqualification news, Epulze also announced that Yangon Galacticos’ carry player KSH has been permanently banned from future Epulze tournaments due to being found guilty of scripting. Additionally, the rest of Yangon Galacticos’ roster are also currently banned until further notice as the organizers planned on doing a more extensive investigation.

In a response to the tournament organizers on Facebook, Yangon Galacticos pointed out that the organization had no knowledge of its player being involved with scripting and will be looking to appeal the decision made by Epulze.

Following the disqualification of Yangon Galacticos from the Closed Qualifiers, Epulze announced that the Lower Bracket Semi-finals match between Team Drink Water and Lilgun will become the Lower Bracket Finals match later today, with the winner securing the final spot in Division II of the DPC 2023 SEA Winter Tour.

The closed qualifiers phase in SEA is slowly coming to an end, as Indonesian-based stack SPAWN Team have already claimed one of the two available slots.

from AFK Gaming https://ift.tt/YpMPU3v

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