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Saturday, December 23, 2023

Free Puzzle Pieces in Monopoly Go: How to Get

Monopoly Go, the mobile rendition of the classic board game, has captured the hearts of players worldwide with its engaging activities and strategic gameplay. Developed by Scopely, the game is constantly evolving, introducing new events almost everyday. The latest event, Gift Partners, brought a unique currency into play: Puzzle Pieces. This article will guide Monopoly players on how to obtain these Free Puzzle Pieces or future tokens for Partners Events in Monopoly Go.

The event ran between 15th December to 20th December 2023. The Gift Partners event in Monopoly Go brought a lot of excitement with its distinctive mechanics. Among these, Puzzle Pieces stood out as a valuable currency, allowing players to spin the wheel and unlock various rewards.

Best Ways to Acquire Free Puzzle Pieces in Monopoly Go

Here are some ways in which you can gather free puzzle pieces as you traverse through the dynamic Monopoly Go board.

1. Collecting Puzzle Pieces From the Board

As players navigated the Monopoly Go board during the Gift Partners event, they possibly landed on tiles adorned with Puzzle Pieces. This is a continuing trend in Partners Events where players need to collect tokens to spin for rewards.

Landing on these tiles is the most straightforward method to acquire Jigsaw puzzle pieces or tokens. As a strategic tip, players can enhance their chances by using a high dice multiplier when they are approximately six to eight tiles away from the Puzzle Pieces tile.

2. Complete Quick Wins

Monopoly Go presents players with Quick Wins tasks that offer a quick route to earning free Jigsaw puzzle pieces or tokens. They are accessible through the 'wins' option in the bottom-left corner of the screen. These tasks are simple yet rewarding.

Objectives might include rolling the dice a certain number of times, landing on Community Chest, or collecting a specific number of stickers.

3. Participate in Main Events

The game not only features partner events like Gift Partners but also hosts main events such as the Winter Wonderland.

By accomplishing all milestones in these events, players can accumulate a substantial number of Jigsaw puzzle pieces. The Winter Wonderland event, for example, offered a total of 3,350 Puzzle Pieces for completion.

Monopoly Go introduces various ways to acquiring free Puzzle Pieces. However, it's essential to note that, at the time of writing, the game did not provide Gift Partners links that reward players with additional puzzle pieces. Players should focus on maximizing their gains through in-game activities and events.

Mastering the art of collecting Free Puzzle Pieces in Monopoly Go involves a combination of strategic board navigation, completing quick wins tasks, and actively participating in main events. As players immerse themselves in events, these methods will ensure they amass a substantial collection of Puzzle Pieces, taking them closer to victory in the world of Monopoly Go.

from AFK Gaming https://ift.tt/MylQoYw

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