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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Valorant Convergence 2023 Day 1: Match Results, Summary, MVP, More

Valorant Convergence 2023 commenced on 14th December with both the Indian teams, True Rippers and Global Esports, facing a loss against their respective opponents, Gen.G Esports and Team Vitality.

Action started with a thrilling opener where the outright underdogs True Rippers proved that they are cut from the same cloth as the South Korean representatives Gen.G Esports.

This was followed by a rather dissapointing showing by the home favorite Global Esports who could not seem to catch a break against the Team Vitality onsalught brought by Emil "runneR" Trajkovski.

Valorant Convergence 2023 Day 1: Complete Details

The first official international Valorant tournament in India by Riot Games commenced today at the Manpho Convention Centre in Bangalore.

It opened in the best possible way with a banger edge-of-the-seat series between Gen.G Esports and True Rippers. Unfortuantely, the second match could not live up to this hype with Team Vitality making easy work of Global Esports.

Here is a quick rundown of everything that transpired today including overall results, match summary, and standout players.

Valorant Convergence 2023 Day 1: Match Results and Summary

Gen.G Esports Survives a Thriller Against True Rippers

Not many expected True Rippers to cause any trouble in this tournament as it is the only team which is not part of the Valorant Champions Tour (VCT). On the other hand, Gen.G Esports is among the best in the world and regularly competes against top teams.

Despite the anticipated difference in skill level on paper, the same did not translate in theory.

True Rippers were a force to reckon within the server as they started proceedings with a win on Lotus, followed by a comeback from Gen.G Esports on Ascent, before an overtime thriller that ended going in the favor of Gen.G Esports.

  1. Lotus | 13-9 | True Rippers Win

  2. Ascent | 13-6 | Gen.G Esports Win

  3. Haven | 14-12 | Gen.G Esports Win

Valorant Convergence 2023: Gen.G Esports Defeats True Rippers

Team Vitality Sweeps Global Esports

In its last encounter at the VCT 2023 LOCK//IN São Paulo, the match had gone down to a decider, unfortunately, this was not the case at the Valorant Convergence 2023.

Global Esports was shaken by Team Vitality's adjustments and the level at which its players were operating. The first game on Sunset was easily won by Vitality and despite a tough fight by Global Esports in the second game on Breeze, it was not enough to push the series down to a decider.

  1. Sunset | 13-5 | Team Vitality Win

  2. Breeze | 13-6 | Team Vitality Win

  3. Split | Did Not Play

Valorant Convergence 2023: Team Vitality Defeats Global Esports

Valorant Convergence 2023 Day 1: Standout Player (MVP)

A total of five games were played on the day, at the end of which it was runneR who came out on top as the most dominant player in the server. The 20-year-old from North Macedonia showed his top-tier duelist skills with Raze and Jett, turning many Global Esports rounds into absolute shambles.

Sunset | Raze

  • K/D/A - 28/11/2

  • ACS - 425

  • Headshot - 34%

Breeze | Jett

  • K/D/A - 21/9/2

  • ACS - 250

  • Headshot - 31%

Both the home favorites ended up on the losing side on the opening day of the tournament. However, the reaction to both their performances was on the opposite side of the spectrum.

True Rippers won over the community with its outstanding performance against a much higher-ranked international team. The team was very close to winning the series but sadly could not close it down, mostly due to the lack of experience.

Global Esports was playing with a stand-in but even then there were rounds where the team's actions were quite questionable. The community was quick with its criticism and hopefully, the team will be able to make a comeback against FURIA Esports on 16th December.

from AFK Gaming https://ift.tt/wlV8tWK

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