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Thursday, March 2, 2023

ZGOD Compares ClutchGod and SHADOW as IGLs, Names Best BGMI Players

GodLike Esports’ professional Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) player Abhishek “ZGOD” Choudhary recently compared his teammates Vivek “ClutchGod” Horo and Arjun “SHADOW” Mandhalkar as the team’s in-game leader (IGL). ZGOD noted that the team, under the former leadership of ClutchGod, displayed a more open and free approach to gameplay, in contrast to their current, more methodical actions under the guidance of SHADOW. He attributed the team's improvement to SHADOW's leadership, bringing a more strategic approach to their gameplay.

ZGOD states the team is in more control under SHADOW’s lead

ZGOD recently commented on the impact of SHADOW's leadership on the team's gameplay in a recent Instagram Live session with Stan. He highlighted the difference in the team's gameplay under former leader ClutchGod and compared it to their gameplay under SHADOW's guidance. He noted that under ClutchGod, the team played more openly, often rushing blindly into situations. However, he expressed that the team is currently playing with more control and measured actions under SHADOW's leadership.

According to ZGOD, the team's current approach is much better because they are no longer rushing blindly and are now in control of how and where to react. He believes that SHADOW's leadership has brought a significant improvement to the team's gameplay.

ZGOD names best BGMI players

The Instagram Live host asked ZGOD to name his favorite player apart from JONATHAN (Jonny). ZGOD gave a thoughtful response, acknowledging JONATHAN’s achievements while also highlighting the skills of other players. He stated it was difficult for him to choose a single best player, as many players from his team, GodLike Esports, and other teams perform well. “Best player apart from Jonny, I can’t tell, because Jonny has a lot of achievements. A lot of players play well. All players from our team play well,” he said.

Although ZGOD did not give a definite response, he mentioned some players from other teams by name, including Ankit “AKop” Shukla and Sayyam “Sayyam” Otswal, and suggested that there were many other talented players as well.

from AFK Gaming https://ift.tt/EnhAimO

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