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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

MortaL Advises Apex Legends Mobile to Build a Community

Popular streamer and content creator Naman “MortaL” Mathur recently shared his thoughts on how Apex Legends Mobile, the mobile version of the popular battle royale game, could improve its audience in India, where the game is struggling to gain a stable foothold. MortaL, known for his expertise in gaming along with his large following on social media platforms, believes that building a strong community is essential for a game to succeed in India. He suggested that game developers and organizers should collaborate with gaming content creators to invest in fun activities and community events.

MortaL’s advice on community building for games

In a recent livestream, MortaL revealed that he is fond of Apex Legends Mobile and called it a “good game.” MortaL feels that other organizers and game developers should invite content creators to do some events together; doing so will build a strong relationship between the game and the community.

Krafton, publisher of PUBG Mobile and Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), collaborated with content creators numerous times throughout the year. It collaborated with content creators to create content for its YouTube channel and hosts show matches. Valorant recently hosted a launch party for its Indian agent Harbor and planned several digital activities for players to indulge in. YouTube flew MortaL to Singapore for the YouTube Creators Summit 2022 Singapore, an invite-only gathering of YouTube content creators. 

Talking about this, MortaL said, “Krafton did it on a small scale, Valorant did it on a good scale, YouTube did it with me; it flew me to Singapore. They have to do such things; it is very beneficial for their game and helps build an audience.” He added, “Do fun activities, shoot a lot of fun activities. Invest a lot of time and money. If they do such activities, then only the game will only grow more in India.” He also stated that investing in fun activities and community events is important not only for games in India but in other countries as well. 

MortaL asserted that doing such activities and events is especially important for games that are not as widely accepted and have a small community. It can help these games grow their audience and reach a larger audience. He suggested that these efforts may not be as necessary for games that are already widely accepted, like BGMI and Valorant, as these games already have a large and engaged audience. But for other games that are struggling to find their footing, community-building activities are important.

from AFK Gaming https://ift.tt/zcvg0Iw

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