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Saturday, August 12, 2023

Diablo 4 1.1.2 Patch Notes Brings Bug Fixes and Nerfs Popular Farming Method

Blizzard Entertainment is preparing to roll out Diablo 4's highly anticipated 1.1.2 update on 15th August, and players can expect a mixture of bug fixes, quality-of-life improvements, and a significant change to a popular farming technique. The update follows closely on the heels of the recently released 1.1.1 patch and promises to address various issues within the game.

Fury Against Fate Bug Fix

One of the most notable aspects of the 1.1.2 update is the resolution of the Fury Against Fate bug. This glitch has been impeding players' progress in a side quest due to barricade-related issues. With this fix, players will no longer find themselves hindered by this frustrating obstacle, allowing for a smoother gaming experience.

Farewell to Nightmare Dungeon Farming Trick

For those who have been utilizing a clever multiplayer trick to farm Nightmare Dungeons more efficiently, the 1.1.2 update brings an end to this practice. The technique, which involved promoting party members to leaders in order to repeat Nightmare Dungeons, will no longer be possible after the update is implemented. This change aims to ensure a more balanced and fair gameplay experience for all players.

Quality-of-Life Enhancements

The update also introduces a range of quality-of-life improvements and fixes across various aspects of the game:

  • The wait time for a Malignant Monster to spawn after activating a Malignant Heart has been reduced from 5 to 2 seconds, alleviating the frustration of extended waiting periods during gameplay.

  • Players will now find themselves automatically placed in the Trade Channel by default. This change offers greater convenience and efficiency in player interactions. Those who prefer to opt out can adjust this setting in the in-game options.

Druid-Specific Fixes

The patch includes several adjustments for Druids, a class with a unique set of abilities:

  • The issue where Boulders cast with the Aspect of Metamorphic Stone equipped did not deal more than 100% damage has been resolved.

  • The Agitated Winds malignant power will no longer trigger when breaking destructible objects.

  • The issue causing the Aspect of the Alpha Werewolf companions to float above the ground has been rectified.

Additional Bug Fixes and Enhancements

The 1.1.2 patch features an array of bug fixes and improvements, covering a range of areas in the game, including dungeons, events, quests, user interface, and more. These updates aim to enhance the overall stability and performance of the game, providing players with a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience.

Looking Ahead

Blizzard's ongoing commitment to improving Diablo 4 is evident with the announcement of an upcoming 1.1.3 patch. While the specifics are not yet available, the company's dedication to addressing issues and maintaining a high-quality gaming experience is reassuring for players invested in the title.

from AFK Gaming https://ift.tt/5sNfWuI

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