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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Overwatch 2 Season 6 Illari Launch Event: Challenges, Rewards, Duration, More

One of the highlight features of the Overwatch 2 Season 6 Invasion has been the introduction of the new support hero Illari. Since her arrival on 10th August, the last child of the sun has been on every player's wishlist.

They all want to experience the power of the sun she holds within. It allows her to deliver a combination of burst damage and continuous single target heal, along with mobility to avoid ganks or surprises from the flank.

To celebrate her arrival, Overwatch 2 has launched a limited-time Illari launch event which offers players various rewards dedicated to the hero for completing certain challenges.

Overwatch 2 Season 6 Illari Launch Event: Complete Details

The new hero has received a great response from the community with a well-balanced kit that has quickly made her one of the favorite Overwatch 2 supports ever since Null Sector's invasion.

Players now have the opportunity to take part in the Illari launch event which is around for less than two weeks from 10th to 22nd August, offering various cosmetic items related to the hero for completing six simple challenges.

Illari Launch Event: Challenges and Reward

There are a total of six challenges but only three of them guarantee a reward related to Illari, others offer much-needed experience to progress ahead in the Overwatch 2 Season 6 Battle Pass.

  1. First Light | 2500 XP

    • Complete six games.

    • Wins will grant double progress.

  2. Coming Dawn | Illari Victory Pose: Stare Down, 2500 XP

    • Complete 12 games.

    • Wins will grant double progress.

  3. Rising Sun | 2500 XP

    • Complete 18 games.

    • Wins will grant double progress.

  4. Daybreak | Illari Highlight Intro: Flaring Up, 2500 XP

    • Complete 24 games.

    • Wins will grant double progress.

  5. Triple Flash | Illari Spray: Face The Sunrise, 2500 XP

    • Complete three games of 'Flashpoint' game mode.

    • Wins will grant double progress

  6. Limitless Light | 2500 XP

    • Complete three games of 'No Limits' game mode.

    • Wins will grant double progress

Overwatch 2 Season 6: Illari Launch Event

Most of the challenges are pretty straightforward, requiring players to simply complete a set number of games with wins resulting in double progress for them.

The first four challenges are so simple that most players will complete them without even knowing anything about it, automatically receiving the rewards associated with them.

While the remaining two will require players to play two new game modes in the Arcade - Flashpoint and No Limits.

  • Flashpoint requires players to capture points across two huge maps - Suravasa and New Junk City, the first to secure three out of five points wins.

  • No Limits on the other hand is a classic 5v5 game mode where players are allowed to select any hero, even the locked in ones without any limitations.

Hopefully most players will be able to complete the Illari launch event before time runs out because it is around till 22nd August only. In case you are late to the party there is still time, you just need to rush a bit.

from AFK Gaming https://ift.tt/fnhb2t7

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